48 research outputs found

    SMOQE: A System for Providing Secure Access to XML

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    XML views have been widely used to enforce access control, support data integration, and speed up query answering. In many applications, e.g., XML security enforcement, it is prohibitively expensive to materialize and maintain a large number of views. Therefore, views are necessarily virtual. An immediate question then is how to answer queries on XML virtual views. A common approach is to rewrite a query on the view to an equivalent one on the underlying document, and evaluate the rewritten query. This is the approach used in the Secure MOdular Query Engine (SMOQE). The demo presents SMOQE, the first system to provide efficient support for answering queries over virtual and possibly recursively defined XML views. We demonstrate a set of novel techniques for the specification of views, the rewriting, evaluation and optimization of XML queries. Moreover, we provide insights into the internals of the engine by a set of visual tools. 1

    Distributed query evaluation with performance guarantees

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    Partial evaluation has recently proven an effective technique for evaluating Boolean XPath queries over a fragmented tree that is distributed over a number of sites. What left open is whether or not the technique is applicable to generic dataselecting XPath queries. In contrast to Boolean queries that return a single truth value, a generic XPath query returns a set of elements, and its evaluation introduces difficulties to avoiding excessive data shipping. This paper settles this question in positive by providing evaluation algorithms and optimizations for generic XPath queries in the same distributed and fragmented setting. These algorithms explore parallelism and retain the performance guarantees of their counterpart for Boolean queries, regardless of how the tree is fragmented and distributed. First, each site is visited at most three times, and down to at most twice when optimizations are in place. Second, the network traffic is determined by the final answer of the query, rather than the size of the tree, without incurring unnecessary data shipping. Third, the total computation is comparable to that of centralized algorithms on the tree stored in a single site. We show both analytically and experimentally that our algorithms and optimizations are scalable and efficient on large trees and complex XPath queries

    Rewriting Regular XPath Queries on XML Views

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    We study the problem of answering queries posed on virtual views of XML documents, a problem commonly encountered when enforcing XML access control and integrating data. We approach the problem by rewriting queries on views into equivalent queries on the underlying document, and thus avoid the overhead of view materialization and maintenance. We consider possibly recursively defined XML views and study the rewriting of both XPath and regular XPath queries. We show that while rewriting is not always possible for XPath over recursive views, it is for regular XPath; however, the rewritten query may be of exponential size. To avoid this prohibitive cost we propose a rewriting algorithm that characterizes rewritten queries as a new form of automata, and an efficient algorithm to evaluate the automaton-represented queries. These allow us to answer queries on views in linear time. We have fully implemented a prototype system, SMOQE, which yields the first regular XPath engine and a practical solution for answering queries over possibly recursively defined XML views. 1

    Conditional Functional Dependencies for Data Cleaning

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    We propose a class of constraints, referred to as conditional functional dependencies (CFDs), and study their applications in data cleaning. In contrast to traditional functional dependencies (FDs) that were developed mainly for schema design, CFDs aim at capturing the consistency of data by incorporating bindings of semantically related values. For CFDs we provide an inference system analogous to Armstrong’s axioms for FDs, as well as consistency analysis. Since CFDs allow data bindings, a large number of individual constraints may hold on a table, complicating detection of constraint violations. We develop techniques for detecting CFD violations in SQL as well as novel techniques for checking multiple constraints in a single query. We experimentally evaluate the performance of our CFD-based methods for inconsistency detection. This not only yields a constraint theory for CFDs butisalsoasteptowardapractical constraint-based method for improving data quality.

    Data sharing and querying for peer-to-peer data management systems

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    Abstract. In this work, we investigate mechanisms to support data sharing and querying in a peer-to-peer data management system, that is, a peer-to-peer system where each peer manages its own data. To support data sharing, we propose the use of mapping tables which list pairs of corresponding data values that reside in different peers. Our work illustrates how automated tools can help manage the tables between multiple peers by inferring new tables from existing ones and by checking their consistency. In terms of querying, we propose a framework in which users pose queries only with respect to their local peer. Then, we provide a rewriting mechanism that uses mapping tables to translate a locally expressed query to a set of queries over the acquainted peers.